Thursday, April 15, 2010

Bartist: Woodslicer Bandsaw Blade

I have this weird curse when it comes to bandsaw blades. Second only to my curse when it comes to finishing sanders. It always seems to go the same way. I get a new blade, and it works beautifully the first day that I use it. I get a bunch of resawing done with no major chatter or drift, but then it gets to be dinner time and I leave it alone overnight. While I'm asleep, I can only assume that evil shop gremlins sneak into my garage and hit the blade with rocks, because when I get back into the shop the next morning, the blade is either dull or drifting too badly and unpredictably to be able to compensate.

The Woodslicer blade is the only one that seems to be immune from this curse. They still always seem to go dull in the end, but I actually managed to get 5 days use out of the last one. It might not sound like a lot, but it's four more than I've gotten out of any other blade. But all good things seem to come to an end, and my current blade is applying for retirement by scorching the hell out the last bit of cherry I tried to resaw. So it seemed like an appropriate inaugural Bartist item.

Product: Woodslicer bandsaw blade from Highland Woodworking
Price: $29.99
Hours Offered in Trade: 6